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TIN HOUSE CRAFT INTENSIVE - Fiction is Always an Emergency: Shattering the Narrative Glass to Create New Story Structures

  • Tin House Brooklyn, NY (map)

Linear narrative is fine for your Aunt Linda or your Grandma Dorothy. But you want to create stories that claw back, shoot off the page and reflect our fractured, post-modern world, no? Stories that don’t travel in a straight line so much as double back, skip ahead, disappear into the distance, then reappear, swearing the whole thing never happened. Stories, in other words, that do something entirely new on the page. So this is the class for you. We’ll listen to some hip-hop, do some talking, then do some weird writing exercises that will get you thinking about new ways to look at and deliver narrative in your stories. We’ll talk about the best tricks and tips for springboarding excellent non-linear fiction, and brainstorm some of our own. You’ll take home: a list of moves for non-linear fiction writing, a short piece of fractured writing that I’m positive you’ll want to keep working on, and some further recommended fiction reading and music listening, too.